Are Skinny Jeans Back? Did They Every Go Away?

Are Skinny Jeans Back? Did They Every Go Away?

As I was shopping for new jeans for the boutique yesterday and weighing my options that included:

- raw hem crop wide leg

- super high-rise flare

- double-cuffed baggy wide

- full-length wide leg

- cuffed straight 

and this was just page 1....

Then this article pops up "Fashion’s most hated garment — the skinny jean — is making a comeback"

My initial thought was - did they really go away completely? Hands down, jeans are the hardest piece of clothing to purchase, (ok maybe the bathing suit, but let's not go there) especially as we get older. So once we find a pair that fits, we hold on tight to those jeans- making them work even if they are "out of style".

Every brand, every style, fits a little differently. We can no longer just say- yes size 8 fits me! No- because it is size 8, or is it a 29? EEK!

So here is what I say:

  • Wear what makes you feel good and you will look good! 

  • Don't be afraid to try a new style. I know we get stuck in a rut in what we wear, but as with anything, try a new look. If you need ideas on how to style your jeans with certain tops, we are happy to help! 

I love to carry Vervet jeans- and their product lines. They hold their shape (no saggy butt), they wash well and look great on all sizes! If you haven't tried them, I encourage you to come try on and see how they fit!

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